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      We Celebrate 200 years of                   Presbyterianism 

Nineteen Combined Churches of PCA USA in Kanawha Valley Celebrate !!

              Hallelujah Chorus

      Dr. Mark Hornbaker Director

Combines choirs singing praises to the Lord

The Processional

Gotta love those bagpipes

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Henry Ruffner 

In March 1819, a small group of settlers under the leadership of Henry Ruffner organized the first Presbyterian church in the Kanawha Valley.  The church was named, "Kenahwa" Presbyterian Church at Charleston and Salines. (Salines is the area known as Malden) In 1872, the Charleston congregation split into tow churches, known today as Kanawha United Presbyterian church and First Presbyterian Church of Charleston.  Today there are 19 churches from Belle to Nitro that are part of Presbyterian Church USA.  Many of these churches have long histories, including First Presbyterian of St. Albans which celebrated 150 years in 2018 . Our church will celebrate 100 years this August.  

Participating Churches
Prayer Group

1. Kanawha United Presbyterian of Charleston

2. First Presbyterian of Charleston

3. Bream Presbyterian of Charleston

4. St. Andrew Presbyterian of Pinch

5.  Village Chapel Presbyterian of Kanawha City

6. Ruffner Memorial Presbyterian Charleston

7. Westminister Presbyterian Kanawha City

8. South Park Presbyterian Charleston

9. Rock Lake Presbyterian South Charleston

10.Riverlawn Presbyterian St. Albans

11.Highlawn Presbyterian St. Albans

12.Grace Covenant Charleston

13.First Presbyterian St. Albans

14.First Presbyterian South Charleston

15.First Presbyterian Nitro

16. First Presbyterian Dunbar

17. Elk Hills Presbyterian

18. Dupont City Presbyterian

19. Belle Presbyterian 

 Copyright 2016 First Presby of South Charleston

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