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   Words That Inspire 
       Pastor Ginna

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We transitioned into the Lent season mid-February, and continue to be
immersed in Lent studies, both on Tuesday and Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Join
us in the Sanctuary on Tuesday mornings for Bible study centered around our
beautiful stained-glass windows. Then on Thursdays during Lent, we are
studying on Facebook Live at 10:00 the Psalms and excerpts from the
wonderful writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Please know that the Thursday
teachings will be posted on the webpage, so if you miss the event you can
catch up when you’re able.
This month of Lent is very important to us. We use this month as preparation
for Holy Week, and during our weeks on preparation we have time for prayer
and fasting, as well as dedication to God through study and contemplation.
Jesus spent fasting in the desert, where he endured and triumphed over the
temptation of Satan. Let us use our weeks of March to ‘go to’ God in prayer,
as well.
Keep an eye out on your bulletins each week for opportunities in the church
for fellowship and fun! We have a church chat scheduled for March
17th...more about that in the coming weeks. The Presbyterian Women will
meet on March 14th at 2 o’clock in the Parlor; all are welcome and bring a
friend...or 2.
We culminate March on the 31st with the most worshipful dedication to God:
Easter Sunday morning! Gather your community and join us this glorious
morning! All are welcome.
Ginna Taylor, Pastor

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